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Risk Management

“Our mission is to avoid unfair and unethical practices through risk management, corporate ethics awareness, education and training. We undertake regular anti-corruption evaluations and recommend improvements to our risk management culture”

we propose methods to improve our risk management culture and conduct anti-corruption evaluations on a regular basis. We have made risk management an integral aspect of our business philosophy and operational plan. We have a clear picture of what has to be done to reach our goals thanks to the prompt and precise identification, evaluation and management of key risks.

When conducting business globally, our operations may be subject to varying compliance requirements imposed by different jurisdictions. Our business may face severe risks or incur fines and damage to its reputation as a result of suspected ethical, compliance or legal breaches. We manage these challenges in accordance with the United Nations Convention against corruption and the company’s risk management policies.

We have released the operational guidelines for Risk Management, which now incorporate anti-corruption  as a fundamental component in the identification of risks. To mitigate corruption, bribery, unfair competition and other corporate ethics concerns, we enhance the management system, strengthen process controls, conduct training and education and offer increased protection for complainants and whistleblowers.

Health and Security

“We operate sustainability. Recognize, access, manage and mitigate risk and prioritize strict SHE policies to minimize fatalities, injuries and illness in the workplace and create a clean, friendly business environment.”

The four cornerstones of our approach to workplace safety are :

                                   Maintain safe and healthy environment

We enhance the mitigation of occupational injuries and illness by pro actively rectifying any hazardous circumstances that may jeopardize the health and safety of our employees. Our whole operational approach is centered around the objective of achieving zero harm. The occupational safety and health directorate is in charge of enforcing, advancing, educating and training on safety and health regulations throughout each of the company locations and business units.

            Consolidate a preventive culture of occupational safety and health

Our primary objective is to enhance positive values, practices and attitudes. We achieve this by providing ongoing training to our employees, instilling a strong sense of responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment and encouraging the promotion of preventative activities both within and beyond our operations, prevention is better than cure.

                             Identify and effectively control our critical risks

By delegating responsibilities for monitoring, verification and conducting ongoing evaluations of operational performance in relation to occupational health and safety. We are able to limit significant risks and thus reduce the possibility of injuries. Everyone from the company’s upper echelons to its operational units is involved in occupational safety and health management in the mining division. The board of directors overseas and audits the division’s policies, Performance, progress toward corporate objectives and management standards.


Acknowledgement and Contribution

“We have organized our business to reflect our values of integrity and accountability, helping us work better together while meeting the highest standards of governance”

GazMin formulates SHE review plan at least once a year for new subsidiaries and key subsidiaries and at least once every two years for other subsidiaries and regularly revises them based on risk levels and industry trends. We carry out inspections, audits, internal controls and special inspections on our subsidiaries every year according to various elements in our business ethics and SHE policies and continuously improve the issues identified in the review results.

“We are entrusted with the care, respect and accountability of individuals, communities and the territories in which we conduct business”


Whenever GazMin does business across the globe, we are respectful of and give thanks to the indigenous, traditional and tribal peoples whose land, water and territory we occupy. We honor the deep cultural and spiritual ties that indigenous, traditional and tribal peoples have with their homelands, as well as their many accomplishments and contributions to modern society. To ensure that culture and way of life legacies are preserved for years to come. We will maintain our support for programs that do just that in the interest of mutual respect and healing. In order to provide our tribal families with a safe and pleasant environment, we will construct healthcare, educational and entertainment facilities and contribute positively to local communities.

Ethics and Compliance

“We combine environmental, social and business concerns with corporate management’s emphasis on human rights, security, community and anti-corruption efforts”

Our company routinely conducts risk assessments of high-corruption jobs and offers targeted training to directors, supervisors, senior management, new recruits, promoted employees and those in highly sensitive roles. We, before forming any relationships, conduct thorough investigations on all business counterparts, third parties and job seekers. We strictly adhere to all local and international anti-corruption legislation and have a zero-tolerance policy for corruption in all of our operations.

We continuously identify and address corruption risks associated with business processes and swiftly take action to mitigate the identified risks. In order to ensure that all senior and junior staff members, suppliers and contractors posses an in-depth awareness of the companies anti-corruption legal responsibilities, it is crucial to furnish them with thorough information, concepts and directives. Perform regular internal and external audits in order to assess the effectiveness of the anti-corruption protocols and implement any required improvements to the processes. We undertake am variety of initiatives for our employees such as having them take an oath of integrity, conducting surveys on anti-corruption, questionnaires encouraging them to propose sensible proposals, hosting integrity discussions and providing integrity educational programs. These efforts are aimed at enhancing our anti corruption and integrity education.

We have a system in place to ensure that everyone plays by the rules. We launch specialized investigations into the discovered or alleged signs of unfair competition or corruption in order to forestall such practices. Additionally, we routinely assess the initiatives of our affiliated companies. The level of the project determines the review frequency. We have not been involved in any litigation involving claims of unfair competition or corruption. We make sure that our operations are safe, efficient and responsible by proactively maintaining our property, facilities and equipment. The success of our company hinges on the efficient management and upkeep of our mobile and fixed assets. These assets are essential for the smooth operation of our business and the discovery of new mineral reserves and before we take on any new opportunity, we assess the project’s worth by thoroughly examining its geologic, biological, social, political, financial, infrastructure and cultural aspects.

Every choice we make, every action we take and every result we achieve  is our own and we have the freedom to grow as individuals as a result.

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